In the world of
education, specifically within the school, known as the three major groups of
learning models. Three groups of learning, it can be seen explicitly in the
scope of basic education, especially in elementary school education units. The
third large group instructional model includes; separate study (Separated
Subject Matter), integrated learning (integrated subject matter), and learning
correlated (correlated subject matter).
The term learning is
a new paradigm of teaching and learning activities. Learning-oriented
implementation of a broader presentation of the material. By Alison V. Takhray
an education consultant from the UK, I prefer
the term learning because it has
a wider meaning in developing course
material and present it to the students. As according to the Encarta
Encyclopedia 2003, learning is acquiring knowledge or developing the ability to
perform new behaviors. It is common to think of learning as something that
takes place in school, but much of human Occurs learning outside the classroom,
and people continue to learn throughout their lives.
Learning apart
(separated subject matter)
Learning separately
or also known as partial learning, is learning to separate presentation based
on subject matter, respectively, in accordance with the scope of materials and
disciplines. Planning and implementation of teacher learning is presented separately
in the absence of consideration of correlations related to each concept. In
elementary schools, the implementation of the teaching model runs from grade of
IV, V, and VI. Although basically in elementary school are not always using
partial models, given a system of classroom teachers, who each time correlation
model that links a particular matter on some particular subject. As for junior
high and high school, tend to be more viscous with partial, given the system of
subject teachers. Correlation material with some subjects, it could happen if
the teacher is really creative in looking at the relationship between the
Integrated learning
(integrated subject matter / integrated learning)
Integrated learning
set of integrated curriculum (integrated curriculum). Integration means
unified, a merger of several separate units with emphasis on the similarities
of each unit. The curriculum is a series of lesson plans or programs that refer
to a particular purpose. This is consistent with the sound of the Constitution
No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System Article 1 (19) that the curriculum
is a set of plans and setting the objectives, content and learning materials
and methods used to guide the implementation of learning activities to achieve
specific educational goals.
Why the need to
combine the learning activities of the subjects with other subjects, or one
lesson with certain ingredients? Because, essentially empirical experience of
life is complex and involves several integrated or interrelated aspects. For
example, going to the beach is the complexity of social life, economics,
mathematics, and science. Before going to the beach it will count on the amount
of costs to be incurred from departure to return. This is closely related to
mathematics. Relation to economic issues, the extent to which the existence of
the object of the coastal tourism benefit traders in the vicinity. The
scientific theoretically, the importance of integrated learning problems
because the state will continue to grow in life in harmony with the development
of science and technology. For example, computers and mobile phones have now
become an information machine capable of penetrating grasp of many people. Any
event, including that occurred in different parts of the world, came into the
room, even the private rooms on television without permission.
Learning correlated
(correlated subject matter).
Correlated Learning
is learning that relate to each other certain material elements. In contrast to
integrated learning, learning materials correlated only certain elements that
are integrated have in common or something to do, and mutual support. For example,
the thermometer learning materials, the implementation will involve the
calculation of the temperature and the ratio between Celcius, Fahrenheit, and
Reamur. This suggests a correlation between the material of Natural Sciences
(IPA) and Mathematics. Correlated Materials will have a significant influence
to the development of student competence. This condition is in line with
Government Regulation (PP) No. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards
Article 6 (4) that each group of subjects implemented in a holistic manner so
that the learning of each group of subjects or affect the understanding and
appreciation of the learners.
In other words,
learning is learning that brings the correlated elements of certain materials
that are interconnected from some particular subject, although their subject
remains a partial subjects.
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